For this one, I tried to skip inking and just used a tidied up sketch, in order to try and save time… The first couple of panels look a bit messier, but I think I got the hang of it by the end.
I’m always trying to desperately think of ways to make creating this faster… Each panel is essentially a full color digital illustration, if you consider it usually takes me 6-8 hours per illustration, at best I can have a page finished every other day, and that’s if everything goes well which it usually doesn’t. Complicated backgrounds will immediately increase that time too. The fact is, a single person really can only do so much on their own. So I keep trying to take short cuts, like cutting down on blending, or random details like hair strands or gradients, but then I usually end up experimenting and trying different things out anyway so it usually results in a net zero. In the end no amount of changes to my workflow will fix my personality.