Chapter 2.1: Insomnia ~Sleepless Night~ 081
This is where I ran out of my buffer, on the original website. This page went unfinished for so long, I really should have finished Chapter 2 before going back to recolor Chapter 1.
This is where I ran out of my buffer, on the original website. This page went unfinished for so long, I really should have finished Chapter 2 before going back to recolor Chapter 1.
Remiel is a saint for letting Jocelyn decorate his room door like that.
Drawing backgrounds always leaves me with this sense of bewilderment at how I can interact with objects every day and not understand their scale or how the even the simplest pieces like wood joints connect together. I put a lot of effort into the background in the first panel, and it mostly ended up covered… Continue reading Chapter 2.2: Gentle Dawn ~Bright Morning~ 084
Because it’s a panel that takes up half the page, even though it’s merely interior scene setting I felt the need to put extra effort into it. Plus, it shows of Jocelyn’s personality. That being said, it took over a day to draw that single panel alone, and I suffered greatly. Even worse, the next… Continue reading Chapter 2.2: Gentle Dawn ~Bright Morning~ 085
I enjoyed drawing this page a lot. Thana has the entirety of Remi’s wardrobe at his disposal, but he went with this because deep in his heart he’s jut that extra. There were originally supposed to be white tights, but my friend suggested otherwise, and so now we have bare thighs. Because I miss drawing… Continue reading Chapter 2.2: Gentle Dawn ~Bright Morning~ 086
Remi’s expressions in this panel kill me (in a good way). I don’t usually draw characters too expressively… I just like drawing pretty things. A fundamental problem I have when drawing is that A) I draw things based on what I feel looks good in the moment, without any real regards to internal consistency or… Continue reading Chapter 2.2: Gentle Dawn ~Bright Morning~ 087
That first panel of Remiel is probably the closest I’ve managed to get to what he looks like inside of my head. He (and a few other male characters, really…) should be more of the “ikemen” archetype, but since the dawn of time I have only ever been able to draw femboys. Enjoy it, it’s… Continue reading Chapter 2.2: Gentle Dawn ~Bright Morning~ 088
For this one, I tried to skip inking and just used a tidied up sketch, in order to try and save time… The first couple of panels look a bit messier, but I think I got the hang of it by the end. I’m always trying to desperately think of ways to make creating this… Continue reading Chapter 2.2: Gentle Dawn ~Bright Morning~ 089
This page took quite a long time, since I had to do two backgrounds… Several upcoming pages are gonna test me like this. Why do I make layouts that require scenery? Why can’t I just draw everything on blank backgrounds? (Because it wouldn’t look as nice, obviously…) But when I have to draw something with… Continue reading Chapter 2.2: Gentle Dawn ~Bright Morning~ 090