Chapter 1.1: Stray Cat ~Lost Child~ 015
Remiel looks so annoyed dealing with Thanatos despite the fact that he’s the one being a busybody to begin with.
Remiel looks so annoyed dealing with Thanatos despite the fact that he’s the one being a busybody to begin with.
Sometimes I regret his naming choice, but he’s been Thanatos so long I can’t really think of him as anything else. (There’s a few other characters I feel this way about, actually…) I do kinda sorta have a plot based workaround for Thana’s name, but it’s not really relevant to anything so I don’t know… Continue reading Chapter 1.1: Stray Cat ~Lost Child~ 017
You can tell this is a fantasy series because Jocelyn hasn’t been fired for his terrible worth ethic. Because all of my characters look like girls, you might wonder how anyone can tell on sight what gender anyone is, but for the most part that’s a failure on my part as an artist. Thanatos is… Continue reading Chapter 1.1: Stray Cat ~Lost Child~ 018
You literally just got here! Come back! The biggest change to this one is mirroring the top panel and removing the background from panel 2 because it made no sense for him to be sitting on the window side of the booth. The entire restaurant scene was a mess. He only recognizes Remiel when he… Continue reading Chapter 1.1: Stray Cat ~Lost Child~ 020
I really didn’t wanna redraw Remiel’s hand because I hate drawing hands but it looked so bad I gave in. It was worth it, but ugh. I even used a 3D model for reference and it still took me a stupid amount of time to not look terrible.
The layout of Remiel’s house really makes no sense. I try to keep the individual rooms consistent, but I didn’t really put much thought into the overall floor plan so it kind of feels like every room exists in a subspace all its own and doesn’t really connect to anything. I plan to eventually remedy… Continue reading Chapter 2.1: Insomnia ~Sleepless Night~ 070