Posts authored by thanatosrising
Chapter 1.2: Interlude ~Respite~ 050

In the early days of internet webcomics, I feel like getting to page 50 and other such numbers might be worth a celebration or omake illustration. Sometimes, I miss those days… There was a level of sincerity and lack of self-awareness that I don’t think a lot of webcomics, or really even people, have anymore. The concept of “cringe” was non-existent. Sometimes it led to some wildly questionable stories, but there was a high level of creativity and experimentation. Sometimes I feel the internet has become too sanitized and self-aware these days. You can’t really be your most creative when you’re too self-conscious or feel like you need to self-censor to appeal to website terms of services and the like.
Anyway, this is just ramblings akin to “back in MY day” so feel free to ignore me.
Chapter 1.2: Interlude ~Respite~ 049

Continuing on with more questionable story decisions that I find bewildering in retrospect – who just sits down on the sofa with a bleeding wound on their shoulder? Why wouldn’t you go to the bathroom to clean it up before hand? And ripping your clothes for a bandage? Gross and unsanitary. Surely Remi has a first aid kit? It’s a trope, but usually it happens when you aren’t safe and at home so I have a hard time excusing it. That being said, Thanatos doesn’t really need to worry about silly mortal concerns like infections so maybe it slipped his mind.
I hope whoever is reading this doesn’t get put off by my nitpicking my own story… It’s probably not going to be the last time I wonder what I was thinking in retrospect. Hopefully the artist insight makes up for any bad vibes.
Chapter 1.2: Interlude ~Respite~ 048
Chapter 1.2: Interlude ~Respite~ 047

For those who remember the original, a certain someone has gone missing. I decided it would give me a bit more leeway with the story if she doesn’t know exactly where he lives right away… Partially because of this and partially because the original cabin just sucked, I took extra care with first panel. Since there’s less panels overall, I wanted to make sure it had something interesting to look at.
That being said, it was a pain in the ass. I understand perspective in theory but whenever I try do it, it ends up way too exaggerated and skewed, I guess because I put the vanishing points too close together? I end up having to break it down into parts to really grasp how the various pieces fit together and I still kinda messed it up a bit… I’ll show what I mean down below, and while I’m at it I’ll include a picture of the cottage without the ever present purple overlay, since I spent so much time on it.
Chapter 1.2: Interlude ~Respite~ 046
Chapter 1.2: Interlude ~Respite~ 045

I mirrored a bunch of panels to keep some consistency over which side the injury was and which hand had blood on it. Looking back, I don’t know what kind of person just offers the blood-covered hand to someone… At least wipe it on your pants first, come on!
Finally we get to see Thanatos in his proper appearance…! He spends so much time as a blonde in the early chapters, it makes me miss his proper colour scheme.