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Chapter 2.3: Interlude ~Idle Afternoon~ 100

Chapter 2.3: Interlude ~Idle Afternoon~ 100 published on No Comments on Chapter 2.3: Interlude ~Idle Afternoon~ 100

100 pages! I guess that counts as a milestone, though I have nothing special planned. Going 3+ months without finishing a single page sorta takes the sail out of things, I guess.

Chapter 2.3: Interlude ~Idle Afternoon~ 098

Chapter 2.3: Interlude ~Idle Afternoon~ 098 published on No Comments on Chapter 2.3: Interlude ~Idle Afternoon~ 098

It’s been far too long since I’ve added anything… At this point I’m not even sure it’s worth the wait. Had fun with the layout for this one though. Quite pleased with the storyboard in general, though all of chapter 2 is pretty laid back. It was never really my intention to write an action series to begin with, so not every chapter will have fight scenes. Sorry if chapter 1 gave that impression🙏

Chapter 2.2: Gentle Dawn ~Bright Morning~ 097

Chapter 2.2: Gentle Dawn ~Bright Morning~ 097 published on No Comments on Chapter 2.2: Gentle Dawn ~Bright Morning~ 097

A lot of things happened in November that kept me from finishing this up. Had 250 new vocab flash cards, a new puppy, handling bookkeeping for my dad, I think there was more but I’ve already forgotten.

Chapter 2.2: Gentle Dawn ~Bright Morning~ 095

Chapter 2.2: Gentle Dawn ~Bright Morning~ 095 published on No Comments on Chapter 2.2: Gentle Dawn ~Bright Morning~ 095

The second half of the two-page spread. Such a mysterious clothing shop… The story takes place in an intentionally vague location, but it’s clearly the Canada/America region and yet it sells a Japanese serafuku? And it’s not even a cosplay story… how mysterious… As always, I implore you to not think about these things too deeply.

Chapter 2.2: Gentle Dawn ~Bright Morning~ 094

Chapter 2.2: Gentle Dawn ~Bright Morning~ 094 published on No Comments on Chapter 2.2: Gentle Dawn ~Bright Morning~ 094

I said I wouldn’t do two-page spreads anymore, but I lied. I’m a slow worker, so it takes two weeks to do four full-body images. I also did alternate colored versions, though since I’m using the multiple/glow layer technique it didn’t really add to much to the time. I’ll include them below, though.

I don’t usually color the dialogue text, but I did it this time just to make it more clear who’s talking.

Chapter 2.2: Gentle Dawn ~Bright Morning~ 093

Chapter 2.2: Gentle Dawn ~Bright Morning~ 093 published on No Comments on Chapter 2.2: Gentle Dawn ~Bright Morning~ 093

First page since I updated the website. Still trying to find a good balance for some things, like how much to blur layer I’m putting over everything. Also tempted to add a noise effect to everything, but I don’t know. Anyway, we’ll see how it goes.

In theory it should be a unisex store, but most of the assets I could find were for women’s clothing, so pretend the menswear is off-screen.

Chapter 2.2: Gentle Dawn ~Bright Morning~ 092

Chapter 2.2: Gentle Dawn ~Bright Morning~ 092 published on No Comments on Chapter 2.2: Gentle Dawn ~Bright Morning~ 092

This took so long to do because I had to do three backgrounds… I tried various techniques including a new coloring process to make things go faster, but in the end the background are the killer. They’re so difficult to, I completely messed up the scale of everything.

I’ve been looking into Sketchup, Acon3D and Snaptoon but the models get kinda expensive. I could use cheaper/free models and arrange the settings itself but it’s kinda pointless if I’m going to be spending hours finding assets and setting them up… Speaking of the backgrounds, I ended up blurring them because everything was feeling too busy so here they are below.

On the topic of the new coloring process, I’m still not 100% sure how I feel about it yet so we’ll see if it sticks. Kinda feels overworked and cluttered, with the background coloring completely blown out… Maybe I just need to play with it a bit more. I’m really bad with the add glow and glow dodge layers. Everyone always uses them well but when I do they always look overdone and blown out.

Chapter 2.2: Gentle Dawn ~Bright Morning~ 091

Chapter 2.2: Gentle Dawn ~Bright Morning~ 091 published on No Comments on Chapter 2.2: Gentle Dawn ~Bright Morning~ 091

Took a few shortcuts this time, such as silhouetting them in the last panel, so it went a but faster. Thanatos’ face was cuter when I didn’t shadow the nose though… regrets.

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